Every weekend Brendan and I have the same argument about family time. I understand where each of us is coming from but it seems like we can never get the right balance.
See, as a stay at home mom, I am with my kids all day every day. I don't get sick days, I don't get coffee breaks, I work from 5:30 am to about 9 pm at night. During the week we find things to do--playdates, trips to the children's museum, the zoo, whatever. By the weekend, I am so ready for a break that I tend to just want to hand the kids over to Brendan and go hide somewhere.
Brendan, however, would like family time. So he's always saying what should we do today? Let's go to the zoo! Let's take a walk! Let's go the park! I say okay, you take the kids, that'll be fun. I'll take a nap, or get some sewing done. Then he gets mad because he wants family time.
I don't know, I feel like we spend plenty of time together as a family. I don't know what B's expectations are. We went to the farmer's market together on Saturday, we had a cookout with friends Saturday night. We went to his parent's house together yesterday morning. We all were outside together yesterday. And yet he still got mad we didn't have enough family time. What does he want?? I don't want to go to the zoo on a hot busy Saturday. I don't want to take another walk to the park we go to almost every day during the week. I want to go read a book or sew. I want to get coffee with a friend. I want to catch up on sleep.
So basically we need to come up with a plan. What do other stay at home moms do with this situation? I'm so sick of my kids by Saturday morning that I just want a break!! And Brendan's tired after a long work week and he wants to play but is also needing some time to himself. So we have to figure out how each of us gets alone time, family time, and couple time. Which we haven't really figured out yet.
Monday, December 2nd
5 years ago