Well, I am officially in maternity clothes. I tried a big skirt a few days ago and when I sat down I felt like my uterus was being smooshed. So, elastic waist, here I come! I love wearing maternity clothes for the most part anyway, I never had a hard time adjusting to them. I always have a poochy belly that doesn't fit right into regular pants so to not have to camouflage it is heaven!
Today Ingrid and I went to the local cloth diaper store and looked for some prefolds. I have had a hell of a time getting some used off diaperswappers.com! If you order them brand spankin' new for a dozen, they are usually around $27 with shipping. Some people wanted $29 for their used ones! Maybe they are crazy good ones, but still, I am not paying more for used than for new, thank you very much. Anyway, today I found 18 little wee newborn prefolds for 60cents a piece! Considering these may only work for a month or so, hooray for savings!
I also looked through the baby section at Target yesterday. How on earth do people not find out the gender beforehand?? You used to be able to get gender neutral green or yellow but now every single thing is pink pink pink or blue blue blue. Even when I knew I was having a girl I hated to buy pink, so that really bums me out that you can't even get green stuff anymore. Or if it is green it has flowers and ruffles. Sheesh, not all girls are frilly. Luckily we are good thrifters in our house, so we have a couple boxes of teeny shirts and gowns and footed pjs to get us through the first month or so. They look so tiny!! Ingrid kept holding things up to her saying she was going to wear it, I don't think she quite gets that she isn't the baby I'm talking of anymore!!
Other than that, we aren't really feeling the need to prepare too much more. A friend has a car seat and bassinet, we already have a couple slings, and I know how to make blankets :) Plus, what's the point of preparing much in our house if we're not going to be here? Brendan just informed me that his job will be done in February so he'll have to have a new one lined up by then. I looked at him dumbfounded--"You do realize I am due January 30th, right?" His job, by the way, will most likely NOT be in the town in which we currently reside. Which means a big move out of state either being immensely pregnant or with a very newly born baby. Gulp. I am not sure how to take this, as I was under the impression we were going to be here until spring, giving me at least a couple months to get used to two kids before having to schlep them to a new house...
So, preparing what I can right now is all I can do. Diapers, gowns, and tshirts. The rest we'll figure out later!
Monday, December 2nd
5 years ago