Today my husband and I are supposed to drop the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's and take a little trip to Madison to see friends. We are leaving the kids there overnight, something we've never done before. These grandparents live five minutes away and we'll only be an hour away, it's not really that big of a deal, right?
And yet.
Last night Otis woke up coughing and needed a little snuggle to go back to sleep. I kept thinking afterward about what if he wakes up at a strange house and gets freaked out and I'm not there? And he cries and they don't know how to calm him down? I started thinking maybe Brendan could just go to Madison alone and I'd stay home with the kids.
Wait, what???
Truth is, we need to get away. My life is so involved with kids 24/7, we need this adult time to hang out with adult friends, drink adult drinks, watch some football (did I just say that????) and not be parents for two seconds. They will survive. And by "they" I'm not sure if I mean the grandparents or the kids!!
When I was on bedrest with Otis I remember thinking Ingrid was going to be scarred for life from the three weeks of her not having me, when all she'd ever had was me by her side. And guess what? She survived. She probably shed some tears and felt bad for awhile, but she is most definitely not scarred. And Otis might not feel the best, and would probably really love it if I were the one to soothe him back to sleep, but he will also survive ONE NIGHT without mama by his side. And the grandparents probably don't want to be up with a crying kid tonight, which may or may not even happen. But they, too, will survive one freakin' night, and they can always take a nap the next day...
So, folks, let me shed this mother's guilt and go have fun today! With my husband and our friends and NO KIDS!
Monday, December 2nd
5 years ago